Friday, October 15, 2010


I feel like I am trying to stop a bad habit... like quitting cold turkey. Only it's not a bad habit. Doesn't habit look like it should have 2 'b's? maybe it would look too much like hobbit then...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Life and Nightmares.

So the idea behind this blog was for me to write something daily. Well... major fail on my part.
So lets run down everything that has happened since July:
-I don't remember anything about August.
-Eric and I went on vacation to Biloxi and Panama City Beach.
-I turned 24, but it didn't really feel like I had a birthday at all except the 4 birthday cards full of monies.
-I might actually have a part time-ish job in the near future subbing.
-Nanny turned 90, Grandpa turned 97 and I saw him and other relatives I haven't seen in 5+ years.
-and my cousin died.

Last night I went to bed upset, for lack of a better word, which I believe caused me to have the mother of all horrible dreams. I don't exactly remember everything except girls from 12 on up to my age were being taken away from their homes and brought to some place I was stuck in. I could see out the windows of the building they were being brought to and all their houses were being burned and the sky had that post apocalyptic look to it. I am pretty sure the girls were being burned concentration camp like and I decided I needed to get out of there. I wasn't one of the ones brought it but I wasn't part of getting them there either, but I wasn't immune. I just remember as a fresh pile of bodies went into the fire I dropped down and tried to crawl to freedom. At this point I realized it was a dream and woke myself up.