Friday, May 15, 2009

I'm Here!

I am officially in Barcelona! I am seriously sleep deprived and wondering whats for dinner but so far so good! The flight went faster then I thought it would... probably because I spent half of it watching Benjamin Button.. LONG movie! I have been cold almost since I got here and did I mention I was tired? it's after 6:30pm, is that too early for bed? Anyways here are some pics...Surprise! Look what I found in my suitcase.. KRISTEN!
Mom and I on the plane about to leave Atlanta... I will post more later, too sleepy...need food

Thursday, April 30, 2009

14 days (That's only 2 weeks)!!

I leave in 14 days, OMG. I have made the same list of things I need to buy about 3 times now.
Seriously wishing I would have tried my hand at panhandling to earn some more spending money...
And if I want to go to other countries while I am gone.. I should buy tickets NOW.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I bought a lock, it's sweet. Well it is just a lock, ya know silver with a black turn-e-round-thing. Just in cases I will be in a hostel at one point in my life. My fast approaching life.

I'm freakin out man...

Friday, March 27, 2009


I had a dream. Everyone was in Barcelona but no one would leave the hotel. So, I left. But as soon as I stepped outside EVERYONE sitting outside on the HUGE sidewalks turned and glared at me and I could here their thoughts shouting "TOURIST!!" So, I turned and ran back inside. Magically it was later and we were all eating dinner at this place because someone said it was just the BEST! and that we needed to try the sushi because you should try everyone once! The guy across from me ordered it. He wasn't impressed.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I just saw a man jog by talking to himself. It made me smile.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Next Step

Okay so I have my tickets... but now I realize I am not quite the tight wad I (and Eric) thought I was. My photography professor in Barcelona said something about a Nikon D40 SLR and now I want one! AND to tempt me even more it is on sale at the place of the "best" buy. AND Eric said he would buy my old one from me... When I say old, I mean, the one my momma bought me for my birthday last September. Oh dang... what's a female to do? The camera.. it calls to me... I can hear "psst... hey you.. the one sitting on her free bed in her windowless room.. you know you want to upgrade... it'll only be about $280 difference... that's only a few days of work..."

Friday, March 13, 2009


Just wanted to say... I HAVE TICKETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Not Simple

So, we had a meeting last night which means I really need tickets! It also made me want a new camera... ugh! If only I had a spare 500 just hanging around with nothing to do... Oh I learning that about two blocks from the dorm are "short skirts" and we should avoid the area. Apparently we are also going to be blown away by the ginormous sidewalks everywhere. And of course we were told the further away we are from historic downtown the less swimsuit fabric can be found on the beaches.
On to something that is only slightly related to Barcelona... I went looking for a dress for my bro's wedding again. I bought one but it probably isn't the right color, but we shall see.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


So, WHOA tickets are even more expensive on Mondays... this doesn't make sense in my world. I am thinking I should play the lottery more often. Yes this sounds like a good plan... 1) Buy lotto ticket 2) Win lotto 3) Pay off engr 101 profs so I don't have to go to that horrid class anymore 4) Buy plane first class plane tickets 5) Invite a few friends and pay for them 6) Buy a new car

Sunday, March 1, 2009


So. I have been searching for plane tickets for two days now. My goal is to find some under a G... This is proving most difficult. My experience with tickets from here to there, with there being Barcelona and here being Houston or Austin, is like finding the proverbial needle in a stack of dry stuff I am allergic to. But alas! I will not surrender... the over priced tickets will NOT defeat me!
Apparently I am feeling dramatic tonight. I shall blame it on studying for a children's lit test and attending a completely strings orchestra concert.

Thursday, February 26, 2009