Friday, July 30, 2010


Selena Gomez is now 18 (and has been for 8 days now) so that is good news. I no longer have a pedophilic lesbian crush on Ms. Gomez, just a lesbian crush. So, good news. I think.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Sometimes you just need to capitalize your lols.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Word. Yo.

You know what is a funny word? Yesterday
Seriously. It starts out all Yes! and then there is this awkward "ter" with the grand finale, day. But I guess just Yesday would be more appropriate for a day in the future rather than the past. But "ter" is fun to say by itself. And when you break it down into syllables it reminds me of a certain intoxicating beverage commercial. (the beverage is intoxicating, not the commercial)

Just a quote.

“To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place . . . I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.”
~ Elliott Erwitt

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Princess messages.

Today on Offbeat Mama there is a entry about Disney princess messages and whether or not parents can change them. As much as I grew up loving Disney movies and still managed to wind up a feminist, do I want my potential future daughter watching them (or even my son who can receive the same women-are-weak-and-need-a-man-and-only-looks-matter message)? In all honesty, no. But is that realistic? No, probably not... especially if I ever plan on letting my children out of the house. So, the question is...
Can we revise the message of Snow White, for example, that tells girls that their beauty will make other women hate them? Can we find something empowering amidst prevalent messages that men fall in love with women for what's on the outside, that men are women's rescuers, that a heterosexual marriage (preferably to a wealthy, handsome prince) is the most important life goal?

This makes me want to write a few dozen empowering princess books.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Absolutely love this, and I think it shall become my new saying.

You can buy it and other cute things in Studio Mela's etsy shop! (Just click the pic)

You are beautiful.

I hope I never come to the point where I need to wear makeup to feel myself or to feel pretty.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Another Unemployed Day.

‎...started my day fighting html which switched to spilled cereal that became seam ripping a clutch 3 times to passing the shaved ice place and settling on dairy queen only to be thwarted by a median then getting stuck in a turn only lane to wind up back at the shaved ice place and some where in there colorful felt was not becoming what it should.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I'm a sucker for Stop Motion.

BIG BANG BIG BOOM - the new wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.

This is a graffiti stop motion street artist named BLU. Be amazed.

Unemployed Ain't Easy.

Just in case you were wondering what it is like to be 23, a college grad, and still unemployed 7 months later.

8:30am Woke up.
8:31-10:30am Check email, facebook, blogs.
10:31-10:50 Shower, clean teeth, moisturize.
10:51-10:55 Study.
10:56-11:45 "Sew." Pleats are tiring.
11:46-12 Eat sandwich, discover one slice of bread is moldy. ew.
12:01-Now fight with html to get Ad in proper place.

and the entire time my brain is thinking: I should be studying more. I should be working on my online classes. I need to go return three things to Target. I should set up an ebay listing for that dumb impulse buy. I should look for part time jobs. I should design some business cards. I should post my flute on craigslist again. I need to hurry and finish this clutch. I wish I had a job. Maybe I will go swim one day at the lake. How weird would I feel by myself there? I wonder if I can make a ribbon flower. Should I go with felt flowers or rubbin flowers? I want to make a felt pillow. I want to learn how to crochet or knit... I should learn the difference. I need to finish my second children's book. I need to continue to read about how to get published. I want to be married. I want my own house. I want to have a baby. I need money.

But I guess I will finally go to Target.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Strapless Bras.

..can take perky boobs and make them look like you stuffed your shirt with pudding filled balloons.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Baby Faces.

I have a confession.
When I decide I like a name I go to google images and type it in. For example I just googled "baby oliver" because my mom says if you name a child oliver it is going to look like an oliver. So I take a gander at the sweet babies that pop up and judge their cuteness.
Just in case.

Starting Over.

Blogging. Why not give it a try? I read them. I enjoy writing. Surely I have something to say.

Like.. right the second I am fighting the overwhelming urge to giggle. Why? Well... First because I am watching 17 Again and one of the actors from my favorite Disney shows (Sonny with a Chance... and yes I am 23 and I watch the Disney Channel. ALL. the. time.) is playing the son and for some reason I can not explain this makes me happy. Secondly, because it is at the part where the mom is trying to poke and pull at her husbands 17 year old self and I find this perfectly hilarious. Probably because I would do the same.

But who wants to read about that? pshh EVERYONE. that's who.

I suppose I am going to try and reorganize this blog since it was started out as something I was going to do last year while I studied in Barcelona... but that didn't happen so I have to change everything. now. bye.